您可在我行网点柜面或电子银行平台激活贵金属子账户,并签定 《Agreement Precious Metal Account 》 后即可进行账户贵金属的实时交易、账务管理和查询业务。
交易时间 星期一至星期五(24小时),不包括公共假期
产品优势 1. 交易品种丰富。覆盖账户黄金和账户白银两个品种,支持人民币或美金购买。 2. 交易门成本低。我行不收取开户费、管理费,交易手续费。 3. 交易起点低。具体如下。
最小交易起点 |
最小交易递增起点 |
人民币/黄金 |
10 克 |
1 克 |
人民币/白银 |
100 克 |
1 克 |
美金/黄金 |
0.10 盎司 |
0.01 盎司 |
美金/白银 |
5.00 盎司 |
0.01 盎司 |
4. 交易渠道便利。支持网银或手机银行交易。 5. 资金实时清算。交易资金实时清算,及时到帐。当天可多次进行交易,最大限度提高资金效率。
Disclaimer by the Bank The is not to be used or considered as an offer, or invitation to offer, to sell or to buy the Precious Metal (“Product”) and does not constitute a recommendation by the Bank to enter into any transaction or any form of commitment by the Bank to enter into any transaction with you. The Bank has not taken any steps to ensure that the Product is suitable for you and the Bank is not acting as your adviser or in any fiduciary capacity in respect of any proposed transaction in relation to the Product. Nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a representation that any investment is suitable for or appropriate to your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs, or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation to you. The above does not purport to identify or suggest all the risks or material considerations which may be associated with the Product.
As such, it is recommended that before entering into any transaction, you should take steps to ensure, without reference to the Bank, that you have a full understanding of the terms, conditions and risks thereof and are capable of and willing to assume those risks in the light of your own investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. If you are in doubt as to any aspect of any transaction in respect of the Product, please consult your own legal, regulatory, tax, business, investment, financial and accounting advisers. While based on information believed to be reliable, this document and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis. The Bank does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained in this document.