国籍 |
所需资料 |
父母 |
新加坡公民/永久居民 |
新加坡身份证NRIC |
外籍人士 |
1. 护照 (有效期在6个月以上)
2. 相关准证 (由新加坡移民局ICA颁发的且有效期在6个月以上)
3. 地址证明文件 (以下任意一项均可以): ● 公用事业费(如水电费)账单/电话账单 ● 信用卡银行对账单 / 新加坡其他金融机构出具的信函 ● 新加坡人力部MOM(包括新加坡政府机构或其他法定机构)的雇佣记录 ● 由公司出具的证明其当前雇员住家地址,且带公司名称的信函(如建筑工人) ● 房屋租赁合同 ● 账户持有人在其所在国家的身份证 ● 其他能够证明账户持有人住址的文件
儿童 |
新加坡公民/永久居民 |
新加坡出生证 |
外籍人士 |
- 1. 护照 (有效期在6个月以上)
- 2. 相关准证 (由新加坡移民局ICA颁发的且有效期在6个月以上)
- 3. 儿童与父母的身份关系证明(如出生证)
The account is entitled an additional bonus rate of 0.10% on top of normal rate of 0.10% if the average daily balance increases SGD500 from the previous month.
Average Daily Balance= Total amount of day-end balance for (xx) days in the month / number of days in the month(xx)
For Example : Below is a simple illustration on how Average Daily Balance is calculated:

● Your account has a day-end balance of $200 daily from 1 to 10 July, so total amount of daily balances for 10 days is: $200 x 10 Days = $2,000. ● Your account has a day-end balance of $300 daily from 11 to 20 July, so total amount of daily balances for 10 days is: $300 x 10 Days = $3,000. ● Your account has a day-end balance of $1,000 daily from 21 to 31 July, so total amount of daily balances for 11 days is: $1,000 x 11 Days = $11,000 ● Total amount of daily balances for 31 days in July is: $2,000 + $3,000 + $11,000 = $16,000 ● Average Daily Balance is therefore: $16,000 divide by 31 (number of days in the month) = $516.13
If Average Daily Balance(July) - Average Daily Balance(June) < $500, Elite kid account interest calculate by normal interest only.
If Average Daily Balance(July) - Average Daily Balance(June) ≧ $500, Elite kid account can enjoy both Normal Interest and Bonus Interest.
Normal Interest = Accumulate (Day-end Balance* Normal IR / 365)
Bonus Interest = (Accumulate Day-end Balance)* Bonus IR * / 365
For Example: Elite kid Account Normal Interest = $200*0.10%*1/365+…$1000*0.10%*1/365 = $0.04 Elite kid Account Bonus Interest = ($200*10+$300*10+ $1000*11)*0.10% /365 = $0.04 Normal Interest and Bonus Interest will be automatically computed and credited once every month for current account. Normal interest credit is on the 1st day of the month. Bonus Interest credit is on 2nd day of the month.